Soft and delicate

Unlike “Cold Coffee” or in other words “Iced Coffee”, which is obtained by adding ice to the regular hot coffee, Cold-Brew is made with cold water. The main feature of coffee prepared in this way is that the resulting coffee contains less acidity than coffee prepared by any other method, because the acid containing substances that are in coffee bean do not dissolve well in cold water. As a result, the coffee gets a much “softer” taste. Another feature of this method is a presence of almost twice as much caffeine in the coffee prepared with this method than in the coffee prepared by the “Hot Brewing” methods, which is why the coffee prepared by this method is often called “Condensed Coffee” or “Coffee Concentrate”. The reason is that the cold-brew method takes more than 12 hours to infuse the coffee, which allows the maximum amount of caffeine to be removed from the coffee.

There are different types of a Cold Brew equipment, but they all have the same basic parts and construction. Its structure resembles a teapot, into which is lowered a mesh loaded with coffee.

Making coffee using the cold-brew method is easy enough, and the obtained coffee can be stored in the refrigerator for about 1 week, during which its taste characteristics do not change.

It may be difficult to say how this method of making coffee originated, but according to some sources, this method was invented by farmers in Holland as early as the 17th century.

In 1964, an American named Todd Simpson designed and built a cold infusion device, naming it “Toddy”. It quickly became popular and loved by the public and is still being produced today. In the 21st century, this method is spreading all over the world at a particularly high rate.

  1. Rinse the Cold-Brew coffee maker with hot water;
  2. Pour ground coffee into the mesh and lower it into the main container;
  3. Add an appropriate amount of water to the main container and close it with a lid;
  4. Infuse the coffee for about 12-14 hours (to give the coffee the maximum intensity, shake the mesh loaded with coffee several times);
  5. Remove the mesh loaded with coffee grounds from the main tare;
  6. If necessary, filter the resulting infusion with the cloth mesh;
  7. Pour the coffee into cups and serve.
Coffee Type 100% Arabica
Roasting Level Light (Scandinavian Roast)
Medium (Vienna Roast)
Dark (French Roast)
Grind Size Coarse (French-Press)
Water Temperature Room Temperature Bottled Water
(59 ÷ 68 °Fahrenheit)
Coffee / Water Ratio 10g of coffee / 100 ml of water: drinkable coffee
(2 tablespoons per cup)
15g of coffee / 100 ml of water: strong drinkable coffee
(3 tablespoons per cup)
20-25 g of coffee / 100 ml of water: coffee concentrate
(4 tablespoons per cup)
Preparation Time 12-14 Hours
Serving Size 240 ml (8 Fl Oz)
Caffeine Amount in 1 Serving 100 mg
Nutritional Value 8-10 Calories
Daily Dosage No more than 4 Cups
Serving Method – As is;
– With Milk or Ice;
– With Ice Cream and Summer Desserts

W A R N I N G !

The given numbers are average and may be different from the actual values.

– Coffee made by the cold-brew method has a more “gentle and soft” taste;

– Coffee prepared by the cold-brew method is about 60-70 percent less acidic.

– The caffeine content in coffee prepared by the cold-brew method is twice as high.

– Cold-brew made with robusta coffee has a pronounced bitter taste.

– The famous writer Balzac loved cold brewed coffee because it was gentler for his throat when drinking.

Unlike “Cold Coffee” or in other words “Iced Coffee”, which is obtained by adding ice to the regular hot coffee, Cold-Brew is made with cold water. The main feature of coffee prepared in this way is that the resulting coffee contains less acidity than coffee prepared by any other method, because the acid containing substances that are in coffee bean do not dissolve well in cold water. As a result, the coffee gets a much “softer” taste. Another feature of this method is a presence of almost twice as much caffeine in the coffee prepared with this method than in the coffee prepared by the “Hot Brewing” methods, which is why the coffee prepared by this method is often called “Condensed Coffee” or “Coffee Concentrate”. The reason is that the cold-brew method takes more than 12 hours to infuse the coffee, which allows the maximum amount of caffeine to be removed from the coffee.

There are different types of a Cold Brew equipment, but they all have the same basic parts and construction. Its structure resembles a teapot, into which is lowered a mesh loaded with coffee.

Making coffee using the cold-brew method is easy enough, and the obtained coffee can be stored in the refrigerator for about 1 week, during which its taste characteristics do not change.

It may be difficult to say how this method of making coffee originated, but according to some sources, this method was invented by farmers in Holland as early as the 17th century.

In 1964, an American named Todd Simpson designed and built a cold infusion device, naming it “Toddy”. It quickly became popular and loved by the public and is still being produced today. In the 21st century, this method is spreading all over the world at a particularly high rate.

  1. Rinse the Cold-Brew coffee maker with hot water;
  2. Pour ground coffee into the mesh and lower it into the main container;
  3. Add an appropriate amount of water to the main container and close it with a lid;
  4. Infuse the coffee for about 12-14 hours (to give the coffee the maximum intensity, shake the mesh loaded with coffee several times);
  5. Remove the mesh loaded with coffee grounds from the main tare;
  6. If necessary, filter the resulting infusion with the cloth mesh;
  7. Pour the coffee into cups and serve.
Coffee Type 100% Arabica
Roasting Level Light (Scandinavian Roast)
Medium (Vienna Roast)
Dark (French Roast)
Grind Size Coarse (French-Press)
Water Temperature Room Temperature Bottled Water
(59 ÷ 68 °Fahrenheit)
Coffee / Water Ratio 10g of coffee / 100 ml of water: drinkable coffee
(2 tablespoons per cup)
15g of coffee / 100 ml of water: strong drinkable coffee
(3 tablespoons per cup)
20-25 g of coffee / 100 ml of water: coffee concentrate
(4 tablespoons per cup)
Preparation Time 12-14 Hours
Serving Size 240 ml (8 Fl Oz)
Caffeine Amount in 1 Serving 100 mg
Nutritional Value 8-10 Calories
Daily Dosage No more than 4 Cups
Serving Method – As is;
– With Milk or Ice;
– With Ice Cream and Summer Desserts

W A R N I N G !

The given numbers are average and may be different from the actual values.

– Coffee made by the cold-brew method has a more “gentle and soft” taste;

– Coffee prepared by the cold-brew method is about 60-70 percent less acidic.

– The caffeine content in coffee prepared by the cold-brew method is twice as high.

– Cold-brew made with robusta coffee has a pronounced bitter taste.

– The famous writer Balzac loved cold brewed coffee because it was gentler for his throat when drinking.