

Coffee has been grown in Costa Rica since the early 19th century. When the Country’s independence from Spain was declared in 1821, the municipal government gave away free coffee seeds to encourage production and records show there were around seventeen thousand trees in Costa Rica at that point.

Source: “The World Atlas of Coffee” Second Edition, Author James Hoffmann.

Capital: San José

Population: 5’200’000

Annual Production: 1.4 million 60kg Bags

Land under Coffee: 22’000 Hectares

Harvest: July – March

Coffee Varieties: Typica, Caturra, Catuai, Villa Sarchi, Bourbon, Gesha, Villalobos

Tasting Profile: Very Light Body – Very Clean – Sweet

Growing Altitude: Central Standard / High Grown / Strictly High Grown

(700 m – 1900 m / 2300 ft – 6200 ft)

Processing Method: Wet (Washed)