TheCoffeeStart operates
in The Pacific Time Zone.

FAQs. General Information

What is TheCoffeeStart.com ?

TheCoffeeStart.com is an online platform where you can learn about coffee, find your best match and make orders.

How can I find my best coffee match ?

When you take the Quiz in our website, the special algorithm will find best possible coffee match based on your preferences.

Can I make coffee drinks on my own ?

Absolutely. You can find many coffee drink recipes in our website. Just buy the coffee you prefer, choose your recipe and enjoy !

Can I save my preferred product for future orders ?

Absolutely ! You can save your preferred products in your wish list on our website. Also, you will see your order history on your account.

How trustworthy is the information on this website ?

We are doing our best to ensure that our customers have the most correct information about coffee. However, we do not exclude some incorrections.

Is it necessary to create account to make purchases ?

It is not required to create account to make purchases on this website. However, creating an account is safe and is giving you much more options.

How secure is TheCoffeeStart.com website ?

We take our customers privacy extremely serious and use all necessary and available tools to provide secure service to our customers.

Do I need to accept cookies when use this website ?

In order for the website to operate fully functional and to provide you with best possible service, we highly recommend to accept cookies.

If I like a product, can I ask to send it on a regular basis ?

We currently do not offer subscription service but you can sign in to your account and reorder your preferred coffee from your purchase history.

How can I share my review about this website ?

We would be very happy to hear your opinion about our project and how we do. Please sign in to your account or use our embedded form to send us feedback.

I have some questions regarding coffee. Can you help me ?

Sure! You can find a lot of useful information about coffee in our blog page. Also, you can contact us by email, phone, social media or website feedback.

Would you help me with my concerns about my order ?

Of course ! It is our work and our pleasure to assist you with your order. You can contact us by email: [email protected].

Is there a maximum dollar amount for orders ?

Yes. The maximum dollar amount for single purchase is $200 on this website. This is a security measure taken by us to prevent fraud.

How do I pay for the products that I want to purchase ?

This website offers PayPal and Stripe payment systems, where you can safely and securely make payments for your orders.

Will I get confirmation email for my orders ?

Of course. Order handling is a 3-step process on this website. When you make an order, you will get (1) payment confirmation, (2) shipping confirmation and (3) delivery confirmation emails.

Do I have to pay for the shipping or is it free ?

As a general rule on this website, you have to pay for the shipping, however, in some cases the website will offer free shipping mostly based on your order amount.

How shipping cost is calculated on this website?

The shipping cost is calculated by special algorithm, based on the shipping weight of your order and the delivery distance.

How long does the shipping takes ?

We use USPS Standard Shipping for our deliveries and the exact timing depends on your distance. Usually, it takes 3-5 business days.

Can I return my order if I don’t like it ?

Yes. You can return your order for many reasons including the case when you don’t like it. For more information on returns please see our Return policy.

How can I track my order ?

When your order status is being “shipped” you will get an email with USPS tracking number, which you can use to track your order.

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