Coffee Regions


Coffee probably came to Haiti from the island of Martinique, while it was a newly founded French colony in 1725. The first coffee was likely grown around Terroir Rouge in the northeast of the Country; ten years later another coffee plantation appeared in the mountains in the north of Haiti. Coffee production rapidly increased on the island, and a number of sources claim that between 1750 and 1788, Haiti produced between fifty and sixty per cent of the world’s coffee.

Source: “The World Atlas of Coffee” Second Edition, Author James Hoffmann.

Capital: Port-au-Prince

Population: 12’000’000

Annual Production: 85’000 60kg Bags

Land under Coffee: 43’000 Hectares

Harvest: August – March

Coffee Varieties: Typica, Caturra, Bourbon

Tasting Profile: Full Body – Earthy – Spicy

Growing Altitude: Central Standard / High Grown / Strictly High Grown

(300 m – 2000 m / 980 ft – 6560 ft)

Processing Method: Dry (Natural)