Coffee Regions


The origins of coffee production in Southern India are entwined with myth. The story goes that a pilgrim named Baba Budan passed through Yemen in 1670 while returning from Mecca and smuggled out seven coffee seeds, the export of which was strictly controlled. Because he took seven, a sacrosanct number in Islam, it was considered a religious act.

Source: “The World Atlas of Coffee” Second Edition, Author James Hoffmann.

Capital: New Delhi

Population: 1’400’000’000

Annual Production: 6.25 million 60kg Bags

Land under Coffee: 479’000 Hectares

Harvest: October – February

Coffee Varieties: S795, S274, Selection 4, Selection 5, Selection 5B, Selection 6, Selection 9, Selection 10, Cauvery, Kent, Robustas,

Tasting Profile: Heavy Body – Creamy – Low Acidic

Growing Altitude: Central Standard / High Grown / Strictly High Grown

(400 m – 1600 m / 1300 ft – 5200 ft)

Processing Method: Dry (Natural) / Semi Dry (Pulped Natural / Honey Processed) / Wet (Washed)