Coffee Regions


It seems that coffee was introduced to Malawi in the late 1800s. One claim states that a single tree taken from the Edinburgh Botanical Gardens was brought to the Country in 1878 by John Buchnan, a Scottish Missionary. It first took root in southern Malawi, in the Blantyre region, and by 1900 annual coffee production was at 1’000 tonnes (1’100 tons).

Source: “The World Atlas of Coffee” Second Edition, Author James Hoffmann.

Capital: Lilongwe

Population: 21’000’000

Annual Production: 25’000  60kg Bags

Land under Coffee: 15’000 Hectares

Harvest: April – September

Coffee Varieties: Agaro, Geisha, Catimor, Mundo Novo, Caturra

Tasting Profile: Sweet – Fruity – Complex

Growing Altitude: Strictly High Grown

(1200 m – 2000 m / 3900 ft – 6600 ft)

Processing Method: Wet (Washed)