Coffee Regions


Coffee was first brought to Peru between 1740 and 1760, at a time when the Viceroyalty of Peru covered a larger area than the Country does today. Although the climate was well suited to large-scale coffee production, all coffee grown in the first hundred years or so was consumed locally. The first exports of coffee, to Germany and England, did not begin until 1887.

Source: “The World Atlas of Coffee” Second Edition, Author James Hoffmann.

Capital: Lima

Population: 35’000’000

Annual Production: 4.1 million 60kg Bags

Land under Coffee: 90’000 Hectares

Harvest: March – September

Coffee Varieties: Bourbon, Typica, Caturra, Pache, Mondo Novo, Catuai, Catimor

Tasting Profile: Heavy Body – Clean Cup – Soft in Acidity

Growing Altitude: High Grown / Strictly High Grown

(900 m – 2050 m / 3000 ft – 6750 ft)

Processing Method: Wet (Washed)