Coffee Regions


Introduced by Portuguese settlers in the 18th century, coffee became a major crop alongside cocoa. Initially, Arabica was planted, but struggled due to lower elevations. Robusta, a more adaptable variety, thrived on the island and became the dominant type. Overall, São Tomé and Príncipe coffee represents a hidden gem in the coffee world. Its unique flavor profile and focus on quality hold promise for exciting developments in the future.

Source: Google Gemini

Capital: São Tomé

Population: 230’000

Annual Production: 150 60kg Bags

Land under Coffee: 12 Hectares

Harvest: May – September

Coffee Varieties: Robusta, Arabica

Tasting Profile: Smooth – Well Balanced – Chocolate

Growing Altitude: Strictly High Grown

(1200 m – 1500 m / 4000 ft – 5000 ft)

Processing Method: Wet (Washed) / Dry (Natural)