Coffee Regions


South Africa’s coffee scene is an interesting one, characterized by a small but dedicated production and a growing domestic market for specialty coffee. Traditionally, South Africa has been a nation of tea drinkers. However, there’s a growing appreciation for coffee, particularly specialty coffee, in recent years. A small but passionate group of roasters and farmers are dedicated to producing high-quality coffee beans within South Africa.

Source: Google Gemini

Capital: Cape Town

Population: 60’000’000

Annual Production: 2000 60kg Bags

Land under Coffee: 200 Hectares

Harvest: May – September

Coffee Varieties: Arabica

Tasting Profile: Fruity – Berry – Floral

Growing Altitude: High Grown

(900 m – 1200 m / 3000 ft – 4000 ft)

Processing Method: Wet (Washed)