Coffee Regions


Hawaiian coffee, particularly Kona coffee, is renowned for its smooth taste, volcanic soil influence, and unique growing conditions. Kaui, Kohala & Maui are other areas where coffee cultivation is gaining recognition. Kona coffee beans are graded according to size and quality. Only coffee from the Kona Belt, a designated growing area on the Big Island, can be labeled as “Kona coffee.”

Source: Google Gemini

Capital: Honolulu

Population: 1’500’000

Annual Production: 190’000 60kg Bags

Land under Coffee: 3’300 Hectares

Harvest: August – February

Coffee Varieties: Yellow Catuai, Red Catuai, Typica, Blue Mountain, Mundo Novo, Yellow Caturra, Mokka, Catuai

Tasting Profile: Light Body – Little Fruity – Low Acidic

Growing Altitude: Central Standard

(30 m – 900 m / 100 ft – 3000 ft)

Processing Method: Wet (Washed)